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Can tiles be repainted?

Your tiles are tested on a daily basis, between changes in temperature, humidity, shocks or even friction. Even with proper maintenance, it can become faded and outdated over time. However, alternative work is not affordable for everyone. This type of site also requires time and reorganization of workspaces. Faced with this dilemma, why not give it a facelift and refinish the tiles instead of buying new tiles? In fact, there are special paints designed for tiles. This type of product is available in different colors, depending on the desired finish.

Is it possible to repaint all types of tiles?

As you know, there are different types of tiling, both for flooring and wall tiling. On the market you will find different types of paints to restore your tiles, whatever the material or their basic color. Thanks to this type of product, it is now possible to repaint porcelain stoneware, floor tiles or porcelain. As a rule, all types of tiles can be repainted. On the other hand, coating application and installation can vary from one tiling model to another.

For example: It is not interesting to paint tiling at the level of traffic areas. In fact, the paint tends to deteriorate faster at this level. Smooth tiles are also more difficult to paint. , applying paint is very complex on this type of support.

This alternative is mainly specified for the bathroom, kitchen, office or even a separate toilet. In any case, using the right tools is essential for quality delivery. The paint must also be chosen carefully.

What type of paint should I choose?

There are some criteria to determine whether paints are high quality and resistant. A reliable coating should be able to withstand moisture and various stains. It is also important that it can adhere well to the support in question and have a fairly long life, without falling off over time. Be careful that the chosen paint does not make the surface too smooth. This will reduce the risk of falling and slipping, especially if it is a piece of water. Also choose a paint that is washable so that you can maintain it daily without much difficulty.

Some tips for choosing the right and appropriate paint:

Before applying the tile coating, make sure that the backing is free of all types of dirt (grease, dust, limestone, etc.). For better adhesion of the product, apply an undercoat. This also saves the paint to be used. To apply paint, use a brush. This will allow you to get a neater finish. If you are dealing with a larger area, choose a roller. It comes in different models depending on the backing to be coated. You can also seek the services of a professional if you want to give a second life to old tiles (exterior tiling, interior tiling, kitchen tiling, bathroom tiling, etc.).

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