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طريقة طلاء الاسطح بأستخدام بخاخ الرش

How to paint surfaces using a spray bottle

People find it difficult to paint wooden or metal surfaces, even though the process is very easy and does not require complexity:

  1. Whether the surface is wooden or metal, it is preferable to sand the surface before the painting process
  2. If there are dents in the wood or a rusty area in the iron, we must put a little putty on it and leave it to dry, and then we scratch the place of the putty.
  3. After it dries, we wipe it well with water and leave it to dry.
  4. Shake the paint can well for a minute before use.
  5. Keep your hand 25-30 cm away from the surface, and start spraying at a constant speed and in the same direction. That is, if you decide to move your hand horizontally, you must move it from right to left at the same speed.
  6. After completing the horizontal direction, spray it in the vertical direction in the same way as before, at the same speed and in the same direction.
  7. After that, let it dry and it is ready for use.

Note: The type of paint is very important, and the quantity in the can has an impact in terms of the quality of the paint and the density of the amount coming out of the sprayer, so make sure to buy good types.

Explanatory video

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محمد - May 22, 2019

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