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عرض عيد العمال! استخدم الكود ٬LD5 واحصل على خصم قدره ٥ دنانير عند قيامك بشراء بقيمة ٣٠ دينار 🔥
عرض عيد العمال! استخدم الكود ٬LD5 واحصل على خصم قدره ٥ دنانير عند قيامك بشراء بقيمة ٣٠ دينار 🔥
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How to maintain jackhammers

If you own a jackhammer and want to maintain it yourself, you are in the right place. Today we will explain how to maintain a jackhammer step by step. Whether you are a construction professional or not, you should follow this article.

Why keep a jackhammer?

Maintaining the tool is a bit of a cakewalk, but it is an important task that you should never neglect. If you think that performing proper maintenance on a jackhammer does not extend its life, then you should think again.

In fact, your tools will be less susceptible to wear and tear quickly if you maintain them regularly. Also, if it is important to maintain your jackhammer properly, it is above all for your safety. Poorly maintained tools can be the cause of serious accidents, sometimes resulting in death. So don't play with fire and instead follow the following few tips.

How do you maintain a jackhammer?

Now that you know why you should not neglect the maintenance of your electrical tools, we will see how to maintain the different types of jackhammers.

safety precautions:

When working with electrical tools, it is necessary to follow certain safety rules. The same goes for maintaining your tools. First and foremost, you should always check that the tool is turned off and unplugged. You can't imagine how many accidents happen every year due to forgetting this step.

Things to check on a jackhammer:

Tool maintenance is often a matter of inspection. Before proceeding with lubrication and sharpening, you must first check that some elements of the jackhammer are in good condition. Here are the items involved:

  • Always check the condition of the mounting bolts. These should be tight. A loose screw on the tool housing can lead to deterioration of this tool, as well as serious accidents.

  • Check the status of the power supplies. Wires and chargers should be checked regularly. Many items on the job site can damage the electrical wiring of your tools. Details should be taken seriously as a frayed or damaged power cord may create a risk of electric shock.

Maintenance operations to be performed:

Once you have performed the usage checks, you can begin servicing your jackhammer. Depending on the model (pneumatic, electric or thermal), the maintenance procedures will not be the same, so feel free to refer to the instructions for your jackhammer for more information.

  • Lubrication: Like many tools, jackhammers need to be regularly lubricated to function properly and prevent premature wear. Some models also have a grease tank that must be filled when empty.

  • Grinding Chisels: In order for the chisels you use to remain effective, it is necessary to grind them regularly with abrasive discs. Refer to the instructions for the angle to apply when grinding.

  • Replacing brushes: If your jackhammer motor works with brushes, you should regularly check their wear level and replace them if they are damaged. This will be an opportunity to clean the inner casing of your power tool.


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